Breast Reduction Benefits That May Surprise You

Large, heavy breasts take a toll on many areas of your life, from your wardrobe to your daily routine. Reduction mammoplasty, or breast reduction, relieves the common issues associated with macromastia (large breasts) such as shoulder and back pain, but it comes with many other benefits. Whether you struggle with pain or uneven breasts, or are self-conscious of your breast size, Dr. David Bray Jr. can help you achieve a well-proportioned figure with a breast reduction.

More Clothing Options

If you struggle with oversized breasts, you’ve likely had trouble finding the best fit when shopping for new clothes. A shirt may fit your abdomen perfectly while the fabric in the chest is stretched thin, causing you to choose loose-fitting options to accommodate your breasts. Reduction mammoplasty (breast reduction) can give you a well-proportioned figure and expand your wardrobe options. You may even save on purchases now that you fit a wider selection.

Improved Hygiene and Skin Condition

Skin problems such as inflammation, redness and rashes are a lesser-known problem caused by large breasts. The moisture, heat and friction put on the skin between and underneath the breasts can cause intertrigo, an inflammatory condition often found in skin folds. Smaller breasts can improve those issues along with eliminating indentions from taut bra straps. Women with large breasts may experience more stretch marks as they age due to stress on the skin tissues. A breast reduction could help your skin age better.

Better Self-Image and Body Confidence

A 10-year analysis of patients found that over 95 percent were happy with their breast reduction results and would do it all over again. A proportionate figure with breasts that suit your frame can do wonders for your self-esteem, and you may even stand taller as a breast reduction improves posture. Feeling confident and comfortable in your body may improve many areas of your life.

Wider Sport and Activity Options

Large breasts may stop you from participating in vigorous cardio exercises or team sports such as soccer. Other macromastia symptoms such as shortness of breath, headaches, and numbness in your hands and feet may also keep you from these activities. A breast reduction will broaden your exercise abilities, so you can run and join in on the fun at your local park without heavy breasts holding you back.

Added Benefit of Lipo and a Breast Lift

The breast reduction procedure removes glandular tissue, fat and skin. It also lifts the breasts and reduces areola size, so you get the added benefit of a breast lift. To achieve a better contour, Dr. Bray Jr. may perform liposuction to eliminate fat where the arm connects to the shoulder (known as the axillary area).

Dr. Bray Jr. is a triple board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in breast surgery. Call or email our office today to schedule your consultation and discuss your breast reduction options.