Special Considerations When Planning Mommy Makeover

A woman’s body goes through countless changes during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and many of them stick around long after your bundle of joy enters the world. Stretch marks, volume loss in the breasts, and fat deposits in the hips are just a few body concerns women look to address with a mommy makeover. Our triple-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Bray Jr., will tailor your mommy makeover to help restore your figure, but there are some factors to consider before you book your procedure.

Are You Done Having Children?

Pregnancy causes nearly every area of your body to change, such as swollen breasts, separation of the abdominal muscles, and stretching of the abdominal skin. A mommy makeover addresses the loose and sagging tissues women are often left with after their postpartum recovery, as well as separation of abdominal muscles that may cause your stomach to stick out with a protruding “pouch.” It’s best to wait until you’re finished having children to avoid reversing the results of your mommy makeover or undergoing a subsequent procedure.

Are You Close to Your Goal Weight?

The series of plastic surgeries in a mommy makeover do not negate the need for proper diet and exercise to reach and maintain a healthy weight. The procedure is not a weight-loss solution, and you will have better results the closer you are to your goal weight. That is particularly important for the tummy tuck portion of the procedure as it involves removing loose, excess skin from the abdomen.

How Long Ago Did You Give Birth or Finish Breastfeeding?

Your body needs time to adjust after pregnancy and childbirth. Your hormones, breast tissue, uterus and stomach muscles must stabilize, retract and heal before undergoing an invasive procedure. If you are breastfeeding, you will need to wait until you’ve finished and give your breasts time to stabilize.

Do You Have Help for Your Recovery?

You will need help taking care of your children (and yourself) at home following your mommy makeover. When planning your procedure, make sure you have one or more people available to help you during your recovery. You can prepare for this by making and freezing nutritious meals for the whole family before your mommy makeover and creating a recovery space in the home with easy access to the restroom.

Choose Your Plastic Surgeon Wisely

A mommy makeover involves a series of plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation or a breast lift, tummy tuck and liposuction. It is important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience performing these procedures. Dr. Bray Jr. has extensive experience with mommy makeover procedures, and he is one of only a few plastic surgeons certified by all three of the following boards, the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

Call or email our office to request an appointment with Dr. Bray Jr. today.