What Causes Sagging Facial Skin and What Can I Do About It?

Aging skin is an unwelcome certainty that makes many people uneasy. Despite this, there are things you can do to improve sagging skin and prolong your youthful appearance. Dr. Bray provides cosmetic treatments to patients who want to see significant anti-aging results. Below, he explains the causes of skin sagging and the solutions offered at Beach City Plastic Surgery.

About Facial Skin Sagging

One of the main components of youthful, firm skin is collagen. It is a structural protein that gives the skin strength.

As you age, your body produces less collagen. Sagging, wrinkled skin, and volume loss can signal changes in collagen levels, often contributing to an older appearance.

Treatments for Sagging Skin

Brow lift: When the brow begins to droop, it can make you appear tired or angry. A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery designed to improve the look of sagging brows. It achieves this by repositioning the forehead and brow to make you look like a more refreshed version of yourself.

Face lift: Facelift is a popular choice for treating cheek, jowl, and neck laxity. The face and neck are lifted to provide a more youthful, firm face.

Eyelid Surgery: When the delicate eye area begins to sag, your appearance can be greatly impacted. This is why eyelid surgery is available to you at Beach City Plastic Surgery. This procedure corrects sagging skin in the upper and lower lids. In some cases, both eyelids are treated. Eyelid surgery can help treat folds created by sagging excess skin and protruding fat under the eyes.

Younger Skin in Torrance, CA

If you often find yourself in the mirror pulling back sagging skin to see what you would look like without it, it may be time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bray. Skin sagging is natural, but you do not have to live with it. Restore a more youthful appearance with these skin lifting and tightening procedures in Torrance, CA. To book an appointment, contact our office today.