Improve Facial Harmony with Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that can enhance the harmony of the face by addressing a weak or recessed chin. It achieves this by improving the appearance of the chin in relation to other facial features, which results in an aesthetically pleasing look. For this type of procedure, a skilled surgeon is necessary to give you the best result. Dr. David Bray Jr. will assess your facial anatomy and recommend the chin augmentation solution that will provide you with desirable, natural-looking results. Ahead, learn more about how chin augmentation can improve your facial harmony.

Who Needs a Chin Augmentation?

In many cases, patients do not even consider the possibility that they have a weak chin, instead focusing on their nose or another facial feature as the cause of the facial imbalance. But for some people, chin augmentation is the best way to achieve the appearance they desire. This procedure can benefit those seeking:

Improved harmony between facial features: The chin helps provide shape to the face. A weak or recessed chin can contribute to a poor facial profile. Altering the chin, even slightly, can drastically improve your facial appearance.

A boost in self-image: Often, patients who undergo chin augmentation experience a boost in confidence and an improved self-image, as their facial structure becomes more symmetrical and attractive.

Non-surgical chin augmentation options: Not everyone who wants to change the look of their chin is willing or prepared to undergo surgery. Dr. Bray can perform non-surgical chin augmentation using fillers or fat transfer.

Chin Augmentation Techniques

Depending on your needs and preferences, chin augmentation can be performed using a number of effective techniques, including:

If, on the other hand, you are interested in having your chin reduced in size, Dr. Bray, Jr. can help you achieve the look you desire with a chin reduction, which reduces the chin’s outward projection.

Will Others Notice My Results?

The visual impact of chin augmentation is immediate and can offer a big improvement in your appearance. Your face may appear more attractive, and others may notice that you look great, but likely will not be able to pinpoint the exact change.

Improve Your Facial Harmony in Torrance, Palos Verdes, and Redondo Beach

Chin augmentation can improve your look in many ways and bring out the natural beauty in your other facial features. To determine if chin augmentation is right for you, contact our office for a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon today. To get started, use the online form to schedule an appointment or call the office at (310) 326-9400.