Liposuction Are Results Permanent? How Much Do You Know About Lipo?

Liposuction helps many people achieve their goal body shape when diet and exercise fail. These results are long-lasting with a healthy lifestyle that includes regular fitness and maintaining a stable weight. Dr. David Bray, Jr. offers liposuction to his patients to eliminate those stubborn pockets of fat.

Liposuction Permanently Removes Some of Your Fat Cells

The fat cells removed during liposuction are gone for good, and this may help maintain an improved shape in that area for many years after liposuction. The fat cells that remain after liposuction can still expand with future weight gain, and fat may not accumulate in the body the same way after liposuction. The long-term results may also be affected by changes in skin quality associated with aging.

Liposuction results may be noticeable after the procedure, but fluid retention and swelling need time to subside with healing. Full results may take a few months to settle in. Following recovery instructions after liposuction and maintaining a stable weight are keys to success. 

The Liposuction Procedure with Dr. Bray, Jr. 

The liposuction procedure begins with tiny incisions and diluted local anesthesia. The anesthetic is infused under the skin to reduce bleeding and trauma. A cannula (a small, hollow tube) loosens the unwanted fat with a controlled back-and-forth motion then a surgical vacuum attached to the cannula suctions the fatty tissue out of the body.

Dr. Bray, Jr. believes in providing the safest, most advanced procedures. He uses a liposuction technique that starts with fat separation, followed by fat removal with liposuction, and then fat equalization to evenly distribute the remaining fat cells. This technique is intended to minimize trauma, scarring, and injury to the fat and tissue left behind after liposuction.

Liposuction Treatment Areas and Candidacy 

The most common locations for liposuction include the abdomen, outer and inner thighs, flanks (love handles), bra strap area, upper arms, and under the chin. Ideal candidates for the procedure are at or close to their ideal weight and show a commitment to regular exercise and diet to maintain results. People who have stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise may be candidates for liposuction.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation in Torrance

If you’re struggling to lose weight in stubborn areas, contact Dr. Bray, Jr. to see if liposuction is right for you. Schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon in Torrance, California, by calling (310) 326-9400 or filling out our online contact form.