How to Deal with Unwanted Male Breasts

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the overdevelopment of breasts in males. It can occur in men of all sizes and body types, including those who are very fit. This condition is often associated with a great deal of distress as men try to navigate the cause of their condition and what they can do about it. Patients in Torrance and surrounding areas can benefit from effective gynecomastia treatment performed by Dr. Bray.

About Gynecomastia

If you suffer from gynecomastia, you are not alone. This is a relatively common condition that affects males of all ages. The appearance of gynecomastia can range from a small lump beneath the nipple to a swollen and significantly enlarged breast.

Gynecomastia can be the result of several factors, including:

Fluctuations in hormones: The condition can be triggered by changes in hormones — in many cases the hormones estrogen and testosterone.

Certain medical conditions: Gynecomastia may also be the result of certain medical conditions, such as those that affect the liver and kidney. Thyroid conditions, tumors, and certain cancers can also lead to gynecomastia.

Certain medications: There are several medications and illegal drugs linked to enlarged breasts in men. These may include antidepressants, antibiotics, steroids, and marijuana.

Wait and See Approach

If you have been diagnosed with gynecomastia, it is important that your primary physician determine the underlying cause. If gynecomastia is caused by a medical disorder or medication then the medical disorder or medication should be managed. If there is no medication or medical disorder causing gynecomastia, then your physician may recommend observation. For many younger male patients, gynecomastia may go away on its own. However, the appearance of enlarged breasts can have a negative mental and social impact; these factors are taken into account by Dr. Bray as he makes recommendations for treatment.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Surgery may involve liposuction alone, excision of gynecomastia tissue with or without liposuction, or excision of skin and gynecomastia tissue with or without liposuction. The treatment plan is based on the quality of the gynecomastia, fatty tissue excess, changes and position of the nipple and areola, and skin excess. Dr. Bray will perform a thorough examination and discuss these options with the patient.

Find Out More About Gynecomastia Treatment in Torrance

Dr. Bray has used gynecomastia surgery to improve the chest area of many male patients. If you are interested in learning more about treatment for your gynecomastia, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bray.