Am I Ready for Eyelid Surgery In Torrance?

Although it is a natural part of aging, sagging skin around the eyes can leave you feeling discouraged about your appearance. If you are considering eyelid surgery, the first step is to head in for a consultation with Dr. Bray at Beach Cities Plastic Surgery. There, he will evaluate your eyelids and help you determine the best step forward. In the meantime, consider asking yourself the following questions to assess if you are ready for eyelid surgery.

Does my Appearance Bother Me?

Many patients are bothered by aging changes around the eyes. The effects of time can take a toll on the skin, especially the area around the eyes, which can be prone to wrinkles and sagging. In addition, fat can accumulate in the lower lids, creating unsightly bulges and bags under the eyes. If you have discovered that other non-invasive methods are no longer sufficient in masking these unavoidable signs of aging on the eyelids, it may be time for surgical intervention.

Am I Committed to Recovery?

Every effort is taken to ensure you are able to experience a smooth recovery. However, your strict adherence to your provided aftercare instructions is essential. Dr. Bray will provide you with directions on how to take care of your eyes, which medications to take, how to avoid infections and irritation, what concerns to look for near the treatment areas, and when to follow up. You may also need to avoid certain activities until it is deemed safe by Dr. Bray.

Am I Prepared to See My Appearance Change?

Although it is understood that your appearance may change following cosmetic surgery, check in with yourself before surgery to make sure you are actually prepared to see these changes. It is also important to have realistic expectations ahead of your surgery.

Am I Ready to Stop Smoking?

If you smoke, you will need to consider quitting before surgery. Smoking can slow down your healing process and put you at risk of complications.

Eyelid Surgery in Torrance, CA

Eyelid surgery is available to you at Beach Cities Plastic Surgery. If you are ready to learn more about eyelid surgery, it may be time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bray.