Mommy Makeover Recovery: What to Expect?

Although motherhood is a rewarding journey, it can come with physical and emotional challenges. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can have an impact on a woman’s body, leaving her with changes that can be hard to address with diet and exercise. A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures customized to give your body the look you desire.

Before having your mommy makeover, it is important for you to be prepared for and understand the recovery process. Below Dr. Bray explains what you should expect following your mommy makeover.

Mommy Makeover Procedures

If you decide to go forward with a mommy makeover, Dr. Bray will customize your treatment plan and use a combination of procedures to address your areas of concern. Not every patient needs to have every procedure that could comprise a mommy makeover; Dr. Bray may determine that your makeover need only consist of a couple of procedures to achieve your body goals. The procedures that comprise your mommy makeover — possibly including the following — will impact the recovery time:

Tummy Tuck: A tummy tuck can help restore an attractive and slimmer contour to the abdomen while smoothing the skin, which is usually stretched during pregnancy or in cases of significant weight change.

Liposuction: Excess fat is removed during liposuction, which is ideal for pockets of fat on the body that are resistant to lifestyle changes. Pregnancy can lead to fat deposits and changes to your physique in expected and unexpected areas; liposuction may help treat these areas.

Breast Lift: After breastfeeding, many women find that they have lost volume in their breasts, or that their breasts now have a flattened or sagging appearance. Breast lift surgery may improve the look of the breasts and reveal a perkier contour.

What Should I Expect During Recovery?

If your treatment plan consists of a full mommy makeover or several procedures, your recovery could be extended. For example, incorporating a traditional tummy tuck into your mommy makeover can require additional months of healing. Dr. Bray will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions, and it is important that you follow the instructions closely. It will include information regarding:

  1. How to dress and care for your incisions
  2. List of medications and directions for taking them
  3. Follow-up schedule for visits with Dr. Bray

Help around the house: In the first weeks following surgery, you can expect to be sore and may experience some discomfort. Therefore, you will want to have a designated individual to help you with tasks, prepare food, move around, and take care of yourself and your incisions.

Swelling: Swelling is a natural response to injury and is temporary. As swelling subsides, your result will become more apparent, and you should begin to see your new contours.

Follow-up appointments: You will be provided a schedule for follow-up visits with Dr. Bray. This will help ensure you are healing properly as well as allow space for you to bring up any questions you may have.

Mommy Makeover in Torrance, Palos Verdes, and Redondo Beach

A mommy makeover can help you improve your look if you are a candidate for these types of procedures. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Bray online or call our office at (310) 326-9400.