How Does a Tummy Tuck Work? Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Explains

Formally known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck improves the shape and appearance of the abdomen. Aging, pregnancy and substantial weight loss can result in excess skin and fat of the abdomen. Our triple-board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Bray, Jr. explains how a tummy tuck works.

How Does a Tummy Tuck Work? 

During your initial consultation, the doctor will go over your medical history and discuss why you want a tummy tuck and your expectations.

A tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon removes excess fat and loose skin. The abdominal fascia is also tightened. Incisions are made between the navel and pubic area for fat and skin removal. Permanent sutures may be used when tightening the connective tissue over the abdominal muscles.

The pubic area incision corresponds with the bikini line. That means scarring may be hidden by a bikini or underwear. The skin around the navel is repositioned. A small incision brings out the navel. It is then sewn into its regular position.  

The surgery lasts approximately three hours.

Tummy Tuck Recovery  

During recuperation, patients wear an abdominal binder for support and prevention of fluid buildup. Drains in the form of small tubes are sometimes placed under the skin. This allows excess fluid and blood to drain out. Many patients return to work after two to four weeks if their work does not require strenuous activity.

Patients are given detailed instructions on how to care for their incisions and drains.

Tummy Tuck Results   

You should notice the results of a tummy tuck once the swelling from surgery dissipates. However, some of the improvements can be seen immediately after surgery.

After a tummy tuck, maintaining a stable weight is critical to keeping your newly slim and toned profile.

Tummy Tuck Candidates

Not everyone is a candidate for a tummy tuck. Women should wait until they have completed their family. Patients who plan on losing a lot of weight should wait until they have done so. Conditions such as diabetes or serious heart disease may also preclude a tummy tuck.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck Consultation 

Dr. David Bray, Jr. is a triple-board-certified plastic surgeon who has helped many women achieve a flat, toned abdomen via a tummy tuck. Schedule your tummy tuck surgery consultation with Dr. Bray, Jr. in Torrance, California today.