5 Ways Rhinoplasty Improves Specific Issues With Your Nasal Hump, Septum or Tip  

Every patient considering rhinoplasty has his or her own reason for wanting to change the appearance of their nose. Dr. David Bray, Jr., a triple board-certified plastic surgeon in Torrance, California, discusses what you need to know about how rhinoplasty improves specific issues with your nasal hump, septum or tip.    

1. Nose Size

Some rhinoplasty procedures involve removing a certain amount of bone and cartilage to make the nose look smaller. However, the reduced nose size must complement the facial features.

2. Nose Width  

If your nose is too wide, a bulbous tip could be the problem. Generally, a bulbous tip results from excessively wide cartilage or very thick skin on the tip. To narrow the tip, the surgeon may remove small amounts of cartilage, then create a more refined nasal tip via suturing.

Keep in mind that when the tip is narrowed, adjustments may be made to other parts of the nose to give balance to the face.  

3. Nose Shape  

Several techniques are used to change nose shape, depending on what the patient wants done. For instance, to reduce a large hump so that the nasal bridge is flatter, the surgeon may file the hump down. Sometimes, grafts are placed within the nose during surgery to support the upper lateral cartilages. There are occasions in which the nose is fractured — known as osteotomy — to change the shape of the nasal bridge.

4. Nostril Shape  

Overly large or narrow nostrils impact the nose’s appearance. For nostril reduction, the surgeon makes a small incision at the alar base, which is at the lower part of the nose. A small part of the nostril is then excised, reducing the width.

To correct narrow or collapsing nostrils, the surgeon may place cartilage grafts to better support the nostril.

5. Breathing Issues  

Patients with a deviated septum, nasal valve collapse, or enlarged turbinates may experience nasal breathing difficulties. The septum, or wall between the nasal passages, may be displaced, making one nasal passage smaller than the other.

During septoplasty, the surgeon corrects a deviated septum by removing parts of the deviated septal cartilage and repositioning the septum toward the midline. Many patients opt for cosmetic rhinoplasty techniques at the same time as septoplasty to achieve the aesthetic result they desire.  

Schedule Your Rhinoplasty Consultation in Torrance

If you would like more information about rhinoplasty and the specific benefits it can provide for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Bray, Jr. at our Torrance, California office today. Dr. Bray, Jr. is the only plastic surgeon in the South Bay area who is triple board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.